Thanks for choosing Magical Mountain for your special event!
By booking your yard card order with Magical Mountain you agree to all of the terms and conditions stated below:
*Payment is required to hold date once the rental has been confirmed.
*We will only accept rentals within our service area.
*We are unable to stake our signs in hard ground surfaces such as gravel, mulch or dry dirt pads. We reserve the right to cancel & refund if stakes cannot be placed at the location requested.
*Summer time, sprinklers must be off during delivery hours.
*If you have lawn services, please arrange for them to come when the yard card is not on the lawn. Grass clippings stain the letters and weed eaters knick them.
*Lawn should be free of dog feces.
*We encourage you to take photos next to the yard card but please do not pull them out of the ground or lean on them.
* For your safety, please do not allow anyone to play on or around the yard signs. They will not support the weight of a child or adult leaning on them.
*Please do not move or adjust our signs. If the signs need to be moved from the original location, please contact us. If you have a location preference, please state it in the "special instructions" box, or else that choice will be made by us.
*If the display must be taken down early, contact us and we will take care of it.
*We will place a small business sign in your yard, off to the side, with our contact information. Please do not move or hide it. We may also take photographs of the display for our social media and other marketing.
Hold Harmless Agreement:
Customer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the owners, officers and employees of Yard Card Creations from liability and claim for any and all losses, bodily harm, penalties, settlement costs, damages, professional fees or other charges arising from Yard Card Creations performance and product, under this rental agreement. Agreement is in effect for the duration of the rental period as defined by the rental agreement.
In the event of inclement (high winds, rain) or hazardous weather, we may not be able to set up the yard display. If this should happen, you will be given the choice to reschedule or request a refund.
No refunds will be given due to the homeowner requesting to remove the yard display.
No refunds will be given due to customer providing the wrong address.
Cancellations must be made within 48 hours of set up date in order to receive a full refund. If less than 48 hours, 50% will be refunded or you may leave the amount on credit for a future rental.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​